> What exactly are you trying to accomplish?  If you want to index
> function/class names, variables, etc then you should take a look at
> "exuberant ctags" http://ctags.sourceforge.net53 --although it started
> off as a C indexer, it has excellent Python support, it's free, and as
> a bonus its indices are well supported from inside major editors (vim,
> emacs, etc) so you can easily follow code flow, find function/class
> definitions, etc.

Sorry for not being clear enough. I want the following:

a) have my editor go to the point where a function/whatever is defined

Pydev Extensions (http://www.fabioz.com/pydev) should do that without any problems with F3 (it first tries a 'context-sensitive' match, trying to find it in locals, globals, current class, etc and if not found like that, it goes and looks for the signature in a context-insensitive way, as if it was a simple text-search)

b) see all places where a function/whatever is used.

This can be handed pretty well with the search that is builtin into Eclipse (ctrl+h).



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