Will McGugan wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I'm forced to use C++ and STL at work, and consequently miss the ease
> of use of Python. I was wondering if there was a C++ library that
> implemented the fundamental objects of Python as close as possible,
> perhaps using STL underneath the hood.
> Too clarify, Im not looking to interface C++ with Python in any way,
> just to emulate the strings / containers / slicing etc. I did google
> for it but my search terms were too vague...
> Thanks in advance,
> Will McGugan
> --
> http://www.willmcgugan.com

Forgive me if this is stupid, but python's written in C..  couldn't you
use python itself or parts of it as a library?

I know you said you're not "looking to interface C++ with Python in any
way", but why emulate if you could include?  (Again, if this is stupid,
sorry! :) )



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