I'm glad to announce the new version of pygccxml is available.

Download page: http://www.language-binding.net/pygccxml/download.html

What is it?
"...The purpose of the  GCC-XML  extension is to generate an XML
description of a C++ program from GCC's internal representation. Since
XML is easy to parse, other development tools will be able to work
with C++ programs without the burden of a complicated C++ parser..."

The purpose of  pygccxml  is to read GCC-XML generated file and
provide a simple framework to navigate C++ declarations using Python

Project home page: http://www.language-binding.net/pygccxml/pygccxml.html

1. The project has been ported to Mac OS.
2. New type traits that works with STD containers were added.
3. Logging and user messages related functionality were improved.
4. Support for Java native types was added.
5. Cache classes implementation and performance were improved.

You can find the full list of changes here:

Roman Yakovenko
C++ Python language binding

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