> For example i write the following code in the Python command line;
>>>> list = ['One,Two,Three,Four']
> Then enter this command, which will then return the following;
> ['One,Two,Three,Four']
> Now the problem, reading through the Python tutorial's, it describe's
> that list's can sliced, concatenated and so on etc
> So i write the following
>>>> list[1:] + ['Five']
> Then the error returned is that 'str' and 'list' could not be
> concatenated which is where it baffles me. I'm understanding that this
> mean's that the string 'Five' could not be joined onto the list, as i
> havn't defined it in the array. Viewing the Python tutrial they have
> the following, and working code;
>>>> a[:2] + ['bacon', 2*2]
> ['spam', 'eggs', 'bacon', 4]
> How can they have the string 'bacon' and have it returned with no
> error?
Your error message doesn't match your command.  Now if you


that gives you the error you showed.

What you meant to type was:

l = ['One','Two','Three','Four']

This is a list of four strings, what you entered was a list of one

NOTE never call a variable 'list' as it will mask the built-in list
method (same goes for str, tuple, int, float, etc).

-Larry Bates


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