metaperl wrote:
> I'm about to get a new OS X box on which I will rewrite a bunch of data
> munging scripts from Perl to Python. I know that there are several port
> services for OS X (fink, darwin ports, opendarwin). So I am not sure
> whether to use their port of Python or whether to build from scratch or
> use the Python image file. Also ActivePython is something of a choice
> but for some reason not a front-running one for me. I tend to like
> Gentoo-style compile from source over pre-bundled all-in-one solutions
> like ActivePython.
> I'm not going to do much other than maybe install Plone and do some XML
> and CSV processing. Most everything I need is in the Python stdlib.
> Maybe down the road some graphics and web stuff (I like Clever Harold
> or Pylons for that... but I still ahve not examined the 900 other web
> app options in Python :)

These days, I install the OS X universal binary provided on the Python
language web site. You can find it at It's more comprehensive
and much more up-to-date than the version included in OS X.


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