At Friday 25/8/2006 00:36, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

# This is what I have in mind:

class Item(object):
  def __add__(self, other):
    return Add(self, other)

And this works fine... why make thinks complicated?

# Now, I am going absolutely crazy with this idea
# and using it in a big way. So I'm looking at
# automating the process. As a first step,
# I thought maybe this would work:

class Item(object):

class Add(Item):
  def __init__(self, a, b=None):
    print self, a, b
    self.a = a
    self.b = b

Item.__add__ = Add

This doesn't make sense... __add__ should be a method, not a class...

x = Item()
y = Item()

print x, y

c = x+y

# This time, the Add constructor gets only the first two arguments:
"self" and "y".
# So, what happened to "x" ? Is this some kind of property voodoo going
on ?

x+y get translated to x.__add__(y)
x.__add__ is Add (the class), so Python calls Add, which means using it as a constructor with y as the (only) argument. So you see in the __init__ method: self=a new instance of Add, a=y, b=None (default, as only one argument was provided).

If you really want to "inject" __add__ into the Item class, you could use a factory:

def AddFactory(a,b):
    return Add(a,b)
Item.__add__ = AddFactory

(but as you've said yourself, that's a bit crazy...)

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL

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