F wrote:
> I'd like to load a .csv file to the Open Office spreadsheet from the command
> line using an arbitrary delimiter through Python. I don't need any fancy
> formatting and stuff like that, just putting the values in the spreadsheet
> will do.
> Is there a relatively simple way to do that?

I assume when you say load you mean create. To 'load' usually means to
read data rather than write it. If you want to read the data in, then a
Google search for "python csv" should answer all your questions.


How are the values stored? It might be as simple as this:

# sample data
table = [
    ("item1", 10, 100),
    ("item 2", 15, 300)

out = file("my.csv", "w+")
for row in table:
    out.write(",".join(str(item) for item in row) + "\n")

And my.csv will look like:
item 2,15,300

Ben Sizer


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