> But note this a list (that is an array, a list is a different data
> structure) of python becomes filled with pointers. I don't know what
> your CL does exactly.

I heard that python's list is implemented as adjustable array.

Here's my lisp implementation:

(defun test-list ()
  (let ((a nil)
                (b nil))
        (dotimes (i 1000000)
                (push "What do you know" a)
                (push "so long ..." a)
                (push "chicken crosses road" a)
                (push "fool" a)))
        (setf b (remove-duplicates a))
        (map 'list #'print b)))

And the benchmark result:

(time (test-list))

"chicken crosses road"
"so long ..."
"What do you know"
Evaluation took:
  2.88 seconds of real time
  2.744172 seconds of user run time
  0.136009 seconds of system run time
  0 page faults and
  74,540,392 bytes consed.


BTW, I couldn't install psyco on my system (ubuntu), gcc just prompt to
me thousands of lines of errors and warnings.

> Pebblestone:
> > (defun test4 ()
> >   (let ((a (make-array 4000000 :element-type 'string
> >                                        :adjustable nil))
> >             (b nil))
> >     (dotimes (i 1000000)
> >       (progn
> >             (let ((j (1- (* 4 i))))
> >               (setf (aref a (incf j)) "What do you know")
> >               (setf (aref a (incf j)) "so long ...")
> >               (setf (aref a (incf j)) "chicken crosses road")
> >               (setf (aref a (incf j)) "fool"))))
> >     (setf b (remove-duplicates a))
> >     (map 'vector #'print b)))
> That test4 function can be compared to this one, with explicit
> preallocation (and xrange instead of range!):
> def f2():
>     n = 1000000
>     a = [None] * n * 4
>     for i in xrange(0, n*4, 4):
>         a[i] = 'What do you know'
>         a[i+1] = 'so long...'
>         a[i+2] = 'chicken crosses road'
>         a[i+3] = 'fool'
>     for s in set(a):
>         print s
> But note this a list (that is an array, a list is a different data
> structure) of python becomes filled with pointers. I don't know what
> your CL does exactly.
> I can also suggest you to use Psyco too here
> (http://psyco.sourceforge.net/):
> import psyco
> psyco.bind(f2)
> It makes that f2 more than twice faster here.
> Bye,
> bearophile


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