> Thank you for this.  The most daunting task in learning Python, is learning
> all of the modules and functions that are available.  And there's a tonne
> of them.  :-)
Actually, much of this file-system related stuff really is badly spread
out between many different modules (os, os.path, glob, fnmatch, shutil,
stat), mostly for historical reasons. Consulting the docs often and
viewing working code examples are a good way to learn how to
effectively do these things with Python's current stdlib.

Some discussion has been going on for several years now about joining
all such functionality into one "path" module, by creating a standard
Path object, and having all of this nicely Object-Oriented. Currently
there is a PEP about this (see PEP 355), but with the release of Python
2.5 nearing this has been further delayed by the development community.

PEP 355: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0355/

- Tal


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