Claudio Grondi wrote:
> Tim Peters wrote:
>> [Claudio Grondi]
>>> Here an example of what I mean
>>> (Python 2.4.2, IDLE 1.1.2, Windows XP SP2, NTFS file system, 80 GByte
>>> large file):
>>>  >>> f = file('veryBigFile.dat','r')
>>>  >>> f = file('veryBigFile.dat','r+')
>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>    File "<pyshell#1>", line 1, in -toplevel-
>>>      f = file('veryBigFile.dat','r+')
>>> IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'veryBigFile.dat'
>>> Is it a BUG or a FEATURE?
>> Assuming the file exists and isn't read-only, I bet it's a Windows
>> bug, and that if you open in binary mode ("r+b") instead I bet it goes
>> away (this wouldn't be the first large-file text-mode Windows bug).
> I knew already that 'r+b' fixes it. Yes, you have won the bet :) .
> I suppose, like you do, that because there is a difference between text 
> and binary files on Windows and the text files are e.g. opened being 
> buffered using a 32-bit buffer pointer, this fails on too large NTFS files.
> I could also imagine that Python tries to buffer the text file and fails 
> because it uses the wrong pointer size when asking Windows for the 
> content. I have not yet looked into the C-code of Python - any hint 
> which file I should take a closer look at?

That would be Objects/fileobject.c. And no, on just open()ing the file,
Python does nothing more than fopen() (or some Windows equivalent).


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