> The other thing I failed to mention is that I need to ensure that I
> find the fsType *before* I find the next FontName.

found_fontname = False
font_search = '/FontName /ACaslonPro-Semibold'
type_search = '/FSType 8'
for line in file('foo.txt'):
        if font_search in line:
                if found_fontname:
                        print "Uh, oh!"
                        found_fontname = True
        if found_fontname and type_search in line:
                print 'doing something with %s' % line
                # reset to look for font_search
                found_fontname = False

and look for it to report "Uh, oh!" where it has found another 
"/FontName /ACaslonPro-Semibold".

You can reduce your font_search to just '/FontName' if that's all 
you care about, or if you just want any '/FontName' inside an 
'/ACaslonPro-SemiBold' block, you can tweak it to be something like

for line in file('foo.txt'):
        if found_fontname and '/FontName' in line:
                print "Uh, oh!"
        if font_search in line:
                found_fontname = True



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