Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> "chosechu" wrote:
> > Yes, if I could simply modify myfunc() I would have workarounds.
> > This would mean me modifying SOAPpy and specializing it for
> > my needs.
> maybe you could fake it:
No you cannot fake it, because the ** form of passing arguments
constructs a new dictionary (and that dictionary is the standard
built-in type of dictionary, not your own fake-dictionary).

Just did some tests, redefining the dict-type:

>>> native_dict = dict
>>> type({}) == native_dict
>>> class my_dict(native_dict):
...     pass
>>> dict = my_dict
>>> type({}) == native_dict
>>> type(dict()) == native_dict
>>> def foo(**kwargs):
...     print type(kwargs) == native_dict
>>> foo(x=1)
>>> foo(**dict())

(NB: I also tried changing __builtins__.dict, no effect)

As the OP said, when passing keyword-arguments, a new instance of a
built-in dict is always generated and not the dict type bound to the

I do actually think that it would be useful in many circumstances to be
able to replace the default-constructor of a particular so that custom
objects are created for that type.

OTOH, there are probably many more cases where doing so would be a very
bad idea, not a good idea, and we would begin seeing an overwhelming
number of cases of mis-use of such feature.




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