Hi Tim,
looks like I might be back to the drawing board :-(  Thanks for letting me know what your experiences have been.
I'm kind of surprised that it works this way since the ns.logon() allows me to access the Outlook address book without any problems.  Without the logon I get another warning box requesting that I allow access to an external program.
Ah well.

On 31/08/06, Tim Golden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
[Dermot Doran]

| I'm very new to using win32com!  I just want to send an email
| message via Outlook.  However, I keep getting an annoying
| message box (generated by Outlook) indicating that my program
| could be a virus.  Does anybody know how to get around this?

As far as I've ever been able to tell, you're stuck with it.
Obviously, in a sense, since otherwise any would-be virus /
zombie program would simply turn the option off before using
Outlook to send out its emails!


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