On Sat, Aug 19, 2006 at 11:33:19AM -0500, Raymond L. Buvel wrote:
> The ratfun module provides classes for defining polynomial and rational
> function (ratio of two polynomials) objects. These objects can be used
> in arithmetic expressions and evaluated at a particular point.
> Home page:  http://calcrpnpy.sourceforge.net/ratfun.html
> Note: If you are using rpncalc-1.2 or later, this module is already
> included.  This release is for folks who don't want rpncalc.
> Changes in 2.3
> * Update the included clnum package.
> * Improved the formatting of the string representation of a polynomial.
> * Polynomial and rational function evaluation now works with array inputs.

En ayant jeté un oeil rapidement je dirais que ça fait rien de plus que
le module de Konrad de scientific python

Sinon ce que fait llgeometry necessite de manipuler des polynomes à
plusieurs variables ce que ni l'un ni l'autre ne font.

enfin, presque car le module de Konrad permet de définir et d'évaluer
des polynômes à plusieurs variables.

> -- 
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Ludovic Aubry                                 LOGILAB, Paris (France).
http://www.logilab.com   http://www.logilab.fr  http://www.logilab.org

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