"Gallagher, Tim (NE)" wrote :
> import win32com.client
> import time
> import datetime
> outlook = win32com.client.Dispatch("Outlook.Application")
> namespace = outlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")
> appointments = namespace.GetDefaultFolder(9).Items
> #print appointments.count
> x = 4  # This is a number for one of the calendar entries
> print appointments[x]
> print appointments[x].start
> print appointments[x].end
> print appointments[x].RecurrenceState
> print appointments[x].EntryID
> print appointments[x].IsRecurring
> recItem = appointments[x].GetRecurrencePattern

> GetRecurrencePattern is a method, so at this point recItem
> is a reference to the method itself, rather than the result of calling
> You'll need to add parens to actually call it.
>       Roger

OK, I am a little lost, I do not want anyone doing my work for me but
can you give me an example.

I am using this as an example to learn python.  



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