I don't use classes much (mainly because I'm stupid), but I'd like to make a subclass of the regular Tkinter Button widget that simply adds spaces to the passed "text=" when the program is running on Windows (Linux, Solaris, Mac add a little space between the button text and the right and left edges of a button, Windows does not and it looks bad/can be hard to read). Below is some pseudo code. What should the guts of the BButton class be? I can't work out how all of the arguments that would be passed to a regular Button call get handled. *args and **kw confuse me and I can't seem to find simple enough examples in my mountain of books.
Thanks! Bob System = platform[:3].lower() . . class BButton(Button): if System == "win": Make a button with " " before and after text else: Make a button using the passed text as is . . BButton(Sub, text = "Hello", bg = "blue", fg = "yellow").pack(side = TOP) BButton(Sub, bg = "yellow", bg = "blue", text = "World").pack(side = TOP) On "lin", "sun", "dar": [Hello] [World] On "win": [ Hello ] [ World ] -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list