Robert Kern wrote:
> Fredrik Lundh wrote:
>> Christian Stapfer wrote:
>>> Problem "solved" by rudely installing PIL 1.1.5 for Windows and
>>> Python 2.4 from
>>> right on top of my existing "Python Enthought Edition--Python
>>> 2.4.3 for Windows". This might have destroyed the consistency
>>> of the overall installation, of course. I'm well punished
>>> for installing Enthought Python 2.4.3: Next time I will again
>>> install all packages that I need myself, as I did for Python
>>> 2.3, instead of using a prepackaged distribution like Enthought
>>> Python.
>> Since the truetype extension is quite popular, and from what I'm told
>> worked just fine in earlier Enthought releases, this is probably just an
>> accidental omission.  I'm sure the Enthought people will fix this if you
>> report it to them.
> The person who builds the Enthought Edition releases is out on vacation
> this week, so a new release will probably wait until he comes back. In the
> meantime, installing Fredrik's binaries on top of ours should work just
> fine.

Great! - if it does. (Your words in God's ear...) Sorry about leaving out
some details about the release I installed. Maybe the following helps?

Python 2.4.3 - Enthought Edition 1.0.0 (#69, Aug  2 2006, 12:09:59) [MSC
v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on win32

Perhaps not. Since I have already deleted the Windows installer, and do not
know of any other way to get Enthought-specific version info, this is all I 
offer at the moment... (I had downloaded the installer from
on August 31, around 06:00 GMT. I suppose this means that it was
enthon-python2.4-1.0.0.exe, but cannot verify anymore whether it was this
specific installer that I used - or not.)

Best regards and thanks for your reply,
Christian Stapfer


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