Aravind wrote:
> hi,
> some of my friends told that python and java are similar in the idea of
> platform independency. Can anyone give me an idea as i'm a newbie to java
> and python but used to C++. My idea is to develop an app which can run both
> in windows and linux.

That's true to an extent. Both Java and Python come with extensive
standard libraries, providing a useful toolkit for the programmer.
Python does have a number of cross-platform GUI toolkits abailable too,
including one in the standard library, although WxWidgets (formerly
WxWindows) is also popular.

I'd say that Python is easier to learn and more productive as a
language, but Java has a much larger selection of add-ons and libraries
available. I can't give you much more help without knowing what the app
will do, and therefore what language features or library/framework
support would be helpful.

Simon Hibbs


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