Hi, I just tried to run Tkinter on OS X 10.3.9 under Python 2.4.3, and
I'm getting a bus error as soon as I call Tk().  Googling has turned up
info other Tkinter bus errors, but not this one that occurs right away,
before doing anything fancy.

Tk/Tcl is definitely installed on my computer, as verified by running
"wish" and seeing the window come up.  "info patchlevel" returns 8.4.5.

Here's the tail of the output from python -v:

Python 2.4.3 (#1, Mar 30 2006, 11:02:15)
[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5250)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
import readline # dynamically loaded from
>>> from Tkinter import *
has bad mtime
import Tkinter # from
# wrote
import _tkinter # dynamically loaded from
import Tkconstants # precompiled from
import MacOS # dynamically loaded from
>>> root = Tk()
Bus error

Any suggestions?  Is this an Aqua vs. X11 issue?

Many thanks,

Ben Kovitz


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