Super Spinner wrote:
> IronPython is a .NET language, so does that mean that it invokes the
> JIT before running actual code?  If so, then "simple short scripts"
> would take longer with IronPython "busy starting itself" loading .NET
> and invoking the JIT.  This effect would be less noticable, the longer
> the program is.  But I'm just guessing; I've not used IronPython.
The time of loading IronPython seem to pay out at the end if the script 
takes a longer time to run, so you are most probably right. I am a bit 
surprised, that the difference is not that big (e.g. at least half the 
time) as I have expected from a JIT concept ... :

# import psyco
# psyco.full()

def arccot(x, unity):
     sum = xpower = unity // x
     n = 3
     sign = -1
     while 1:
         xpower = xpower // (x*x)
         term = xpower // n
         if not term:
         sum += sign * term
         sign = -sign
         n += 2
     return sum

def pi(digits):
     print '  start of setting unity value ...',
     unity = 10**(digits + 10)
     print '  set unity value, starting arccot() ... ',
     pi = 4 * (4*arccot(5, unity) - arccot(239, unity))
     return pi // 10**10

f = file("pi-decimal-100000digits.out","wb")

print """
   PC:  Pentium 4,  2.8 GHz,  Windows XP SP2
   writing 100.000 digits of Pi to a file takes using:
     CPython 2.4.2  : 2 min 41 s (of CPU time)
     CPython+Psyco  : 2 min 45 s (of CPU time)
     IronPython 1.0 : 1 min 48 s (of CPU time)

Claudio Grondi

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