Tempo wrote:
> Hey. I am trying to grab the prices from the string below but I get a
> few errors when I try to do it: Take a look at the code and error
> messages below for me and thanks you in advanced to all that help.
> Thank you. Here's the code & error messages:
>>>> p
> [<span class="sale">
>                                       $14.99
>                               </span>, <span class="sale">
>                                       $27.99
>                               </span>, <span class="sale">
>                                       $66.99
>                               </span>, <span class="sale">
>                                       $129.99
>                               </span>, <span class="sale">
>                                       $254.99
>                               </span>]
>>>> p.split()[2]
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<pyshell#11>", line 1, in -toplevel-
>     p.split()[2]
> AttributeError: 'ResultSet' object has no attribute 'split'
The contents of p is rather "odd" looking.  It isn't html that
was read from a website (note the commas after </span>).  You
show it as if it is a list of strings, but the strings don't
have quotes around them.  How are you creating the object p?
If you would just get it into a single string (with something


then you can use elementree, or beautiful soup to get your
prices quite easily.


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