I'm using pyparsing and trying to parse something like:

and also have all comparison predicates in a separate list apart from the  
parse tree. So my grammar has this line in it:

Comparison_Predicate = Group(variable + oneOf("< >")  
+ integer).setResultsName("pred",listAllMatches=True)

but it doesn't work at all... only the last comp.pred. gets in the pred  
here's the full listing:

 from pyparsing import Literal, Word, nums, Group, Dict, alphas,  
quotedString, oneOf, delimitedList, removeQuotes, alphanums

lbrack = Literal("(").suppress()
rbrack = Literal(")").suppress()
integer = Word( nums )
variable = Word( alphas, max=1 )
relation_body_item = variable | integer |  
relation_name = Word( alphas+"_", alphanums+"_" )
relation_body = lbrack + Group(delimitedList(relation_body_item)) + rbrack
Goal = Dict(Group( relation_name + relation_body ))
Comparison_Predicate = Group(variable + oneOf("< >")  
+ integer).setResultsName("pred",listAllMatches=True)
Query = Goal.setResultsName("head") + ":-" + delimitedList(Goal |  


print Query.parseString(test).pred

P.S. another weird thing is that, depending on if I setResultsName("head")  
in the first Goal match, the first Goal, gets inside an extra list!What I  
mean is that the parsed token without setResultsName("head") is this:
['Q', ['x', 'y', 'z']]
and with setResultsName("head") is this:
[['Q', ['x', 'y', 'z']]]
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