Jason wrote:
> > I wrote up a quick little set of tests, I was acutally comparing ways
> > of doing "case" behavior just to get some performance information.  Now
> > two of my test cases had almost identical results which was not at all
> > what I expected.  Ultimately I realized I don't really know how
> > literals are treated within the interpreter.
> >

the lengthy dictionaries were due to my initial testing comparing
if/ifelse constructs to dictionary cases.. btw if/ifelse seems a lot
faster till you get to at least 12 cases, and for most applications,
the number of cases would be even higher before dictionaries beat a
bunch of ifs

> > The two implementations I was looking at were:
> >
> > class caseFunction(object):
> >     def __init__(self):
> >         self.caseDict = {'a':"retval = 'a'",
> > 'b':"retval='b'","c":"retval='c'","d":"retval='d'",
> >
> > "e":"retval='e'","f":"retval='f'","g":"retval='g'","h":"retval='h'",
> >                          "i":"retval='i'"}
> >
> >     def doIt(self,a):
> >         exec(self.caseDict.get(a))
> >         return retval
> >
> >
> >
> > def caseFunc3(a):
> >     exec(  {'a':"retval = 'a'",
> > 'b':"retval='b'","c":"retval='c'","d":"retval='d'",
> >
> > "e":"retval='e'","f":"retval='f'","g":"retval='g'","h":"retval='h'",
> >                          "i":"retval='i'"}.get(a))
> >     return retval
> >
> >
> > I had expected caseFunc3 to be slower.  I had thought the interpreter
> > would be recreating the dictionary each time, but that doesn't seem to
> > be the case since performance of the class version and the function
> > version are nearly identical on most runs.  If i rewrite caseFunc3 as:
> >
> > def caseFunc4(a):
> >     exec(  dict({'a':"retval = 'a'",
> > 'b':"retval='b'","c":"retval='c'","d":"retval='d'",
> >
> > "e":"retval='e'","f":"retval='f'","g":"retval='g'","h":"retval='h'",
> >                          "i":"retval='i'"}).get(a))
> >     return retval
> >
> > now with the explicit use of dict, i see the performace of the
> > functional version decline as I initially expected.
> >
> > So what is happeneing in caseFunc3.  It seems as though the literal is
> > "cached".  The other hypothesis I came up with is the name lookup for
> > self.caseDict takes the same amount of time as creating the dictionary
> > literal - but that doesn't make sense to me.
> >
> > Thanks
> Why not check to see what the interpreter is doing?  Rather than
> dealing with your overly complicated dictionaries, I've made a simple,
> one case dictionary.  I've also done a similar bit to replicate your
> doIt method.
Thanks, i didn't know about dis.  So this is very useful.

> >>> def case3(a):
> ...     exec( {'a': "retval = 'a'"}.get(a) )
> ...     return retval
> ...
> >>> case3('a')
> 'a'
> >>> def case4(a):
> ...     exec( dict({'a': "retval = 'a'"}).get(a) )
> ...     return retval
> ...
> >>> case4('a')
> 'a'
> >>> class caseFunction(object):
> ...     def doIt(self, a):
> ...         exec(self.caseDict.get(a))
> ...         return retval
> ...
> Then, use the dis module to disassemble the function objects:
> >>> import dis
> >>> dis.dis(case3)
>   2           0 BUILD_MAP                0
>               3 DUP_TOP
>               4 LOAD_CONST               1 ('a')
>               7 LOAD_CONST               2 ("retval = 'a'")
>              10 ROT_THREE
>              11 STORE_SUBSCR
>              12 LOAD_ATTR                0 (get)
>              15 LOAD_FAST                0 (a)
>              18 CALL_FUNCTION            1
>              21 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
>              24 DUP_TOP
>              25 EXEC_STMT
>   3          26 LOAD_NAME                2 (retval)
>              29 RETURN_VALUE
> >>> dis.dis(case4)
>   2           0 LOAD_NAME                0 (dict)
>               3 BUILD_MAP                0
>               6 DUP_TOP
>               7 LOAD_CONST               1 ('a')
>              10 LOAD_CONST               2 ("retval = 'a'")
>              13 ROT_THREE
>              14 STORE_SUBSCR
>              15 CALL_FUNCTION            1
>              18 LOAD_ATTR                1 (get)
>              21 LOAD_FAST                0 (a)
>              24 CALL_FUNCTION            1
>              27 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
>              30 DUP_TOP
>              31 EXEC_STMT
>   3          32 LOAD_NAME                3 (retval)
>              35 RETURN_VALUE
> >>> dis.dis(caseFunction.doIt)
>   3           0 LOAD_FAST                0 (self)
>               3 LOAD_ATTR                1 (caseDict)
>               6 LOAD_ATTR                2 (get)
>               9 LOAD_FAST                1 (a)
>              12 CALL_FUNCTION            1
>              15 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
>              18 DUP_TOP
>              19 EXEC_STMT
>   4          20 LOAD_NAME                4 (retval)
>              23 RETURN_VALUE
> >>>
> Take a look at what happens before the 'get' attribute is loaded in
> each case.  In case 3, you've simply created a dictionary literal,
> which is a very fast operation under Python.  In case 4, you've created
> a dictionary literal, then you call the dict() function.  The dict
> function will create a dictionary from the supplied dictionary, and
> return the shallow copy.
I knew case4 would be slower, it did what it intended, but didn't
answer my question.  How's that for confused thinking!!

> Case 3 is slower, but the Python developers have worked to make
> dictionary creation and look-up very fast.  Did you use the timeit
> module to test your functions?
I had a simple timer, not timeit.

def timeIt(func,vals):
    start = time.time()
    for item in vals:
    return time.time()-start

#reinvented the wheel too, not a good day to program

The output provided was a good starting point, and unless I am really
misreading things, python is not caching my dictionary literal.  It
would appear as though it gets loaded every iteration - which is what I

So here's the odd part - and one I still find remarkably
counter-intuitive.  and i'll set up some of the params here

1) I did not count object instantiation in the time taken - so in the
class based version the dictionary was already created before I start

2) Once the dictionary is either created (function) or retreived(class)
the execution is identical.  That can be seen from the output above you

which lead me to hypothesize:
3) loading a dictionary literal seems faster than accessing that
dictionary as a class member.

I really find 3 to be surprising although I guess I shouldn't - lookups
are not cheap... I repeat that to myself all the time.  apparently they
really really aren't cheap.

Now that begs the question... and I'm writing something up to test it.
Will a larger dictionary change this dynamic.  My suspicion yes, how
much bigger I have no idea.

and mostly thanks for the intro to a new module.  With all the esoteric
junk I play with and experiment with I can't believe I didn't stumble
on it before.


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