Dick Moores wrote:
> I'm trying out jEdit and UliPad. I got UliPad going right away and
> I'm very pleased with it, but could I jump in here with a basic jEdit
> question? How do you run a script?
> And one more. On the menus, the font is clear and large, but the
> equivalent key combinations are written so small they are very
> difficult for me to read. Is there a way to configure them to be
> slightly larger? (I'd ask on the jEdit support forum, but it doesn't
> seem to be very active.)

to change jedits fonts, under utilities menu choose global options

select appearance, this has font options for menus + other fields
text area has the editing text font (I use dialogeinput for menus and
such and
andale mono for the text area...)

to run a script.. you can 'dock' jython in the sides of the editor or
bottom, and import from the buffer or load it.. or fire jython up from
the plugin menu

there is also a colour scheme plugin that gives you colour defaults if
you want it to look lke emacs or jbuilder or idea etc etc etc

jedit is pretty rich with its plugins.



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