> Everytime I am lookink at how to do this or that in Python I write it
> down somewhere on my computer. (For ex. Threading. After reading the
> official documentation I was a bit perplex. Hopefully I found an
> article an managed to implement threads with only like 20 lines of code
> in my script. That should have been in the docs first, not in an
> article elsewhere... Same problem for handling gzipped files. I wanted
> to know if the file I opened was a gzip archive or not. Not a clue in
> the docs...) I have just decided to share all this knowledge this with
> other. Community will decide if this wiki is of any interest. If not it
> will just remain my personnal notebook for Python tips...
> Anyway Python rocks, that's the important point!

Then how about running your site on python and not php?

Just a thought.

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