Mentre io pensavo ad una intro simpatica "Franz Steinhaeusler"

> Hello Nemesis,
> this I post with XPN! ;)
Good :-)

> My next try was a second newsserver.
> (It would be nice to have it in one installation,
> but priority is not so high)
> I have XPN in one directorry (for my default newsserver)
> and I installed XPN in a second directory for Gmane.

It is not necessary, if you are using the source version (and since we
are on comp.lang.python I think so) you can use the command line option

python -c your_dir

and XPN will store its configs and data in this directory.

> A user defineable Title bar as in Agent would be good.
> (Then I could name the first instance "My News" or so, and the 
> second one "Gmane". So easier navigating in Windows and also 
> the tips in the task bar could be helpful for that.

you can tweak the code if you want ;-)
the file is

> The line spacing (vertically) in the header is a little higher than in
> wxPython programs or also in Forte agent. I suspect, this is a
> "feature" in PyGtk. narrower lines would display more headers, this
> means more headers would be visible at once.

but maybe the view will be a little more messed ... anyway I'm not sure
I can change the size, maybe it depends on the font size.

> Is Saving attachments possible? I didn't see a menu point, nor are the threads
> are marked, having an attachment.

no, XPN is definitively text-oriented. I'm not supporting attachments in
any way.

> An option to set X-No Archive default in the subscribed groups would be
> nice.

I don't like X-No-Archive ... but anyway you can set you custome header
to be used in every post you send in the Config Window (Posting tab)

Only an open thought:

> Would such an idea make sense for XPN?

yes but I should implement in some way the plugin support ... and I
don't know how to do it.

> XPN seems pretty stable and I enjoy this program more and more!

thank you very much.

"Se dovessi rinascere, farei l'idraulico." (Albert Einstein)
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