error finnaly been eliminated.
after install placelesstranslationservice product, everything back to
but i don't know why.

the program runs well under a server with zope2.9.1 ,
for i got another server and i wanna do a global update ,so a new zope
version 2.9.4 and all other new version were installed and the program
was exported from old server and imported in new server . but i didn't
install placelesstranslationservice product, it seems nofair with this
program.that's why this error happen.

really strange turn out , i guess there's something wrong with zexp
mechanic , for it seemed program exported and imported are binary code
not source code with objects like scripts, so some stein code remains.

thank you, Gabrial.

Gabriel Genellina wrote:
> At Saturday 16/9/2006 08:40, asterocean wrote:
> >>But this is not UTF-8; looks like UTF-16 with 0x00 converted to 0x20
> >>(space). I'd look at where the body comes from, or ask on the Zope
> >>list for the right way to use dtml-mime.
> >
> >i've try with UTF-8 , error remains . when the script is called
> >directly from http request , it went well. so this should not be the
> >problem. the real problem is when it is called from a json-rpc, the
> >error happened
> Try to look at what you *get* as the body from xmlrpc, if it comes
> wrong, will go wrong to the email.
> >>Anyway, why are you using dtml-mime and such? Using the email package
> >>is easier and a lot more powerful.
> >i'm using zope & jsonserver & maildrop to develop this part , so the
> >main problem how to send mail with json-rpc structure.
> You can use the email package from inside Zope; an external method will do.
> Gabriel Genellina
> Softlab SRL
> __________________________________________________
> Preguntá. Respondé. Descubrí.
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