malibu wrote:
> tadchem wrote:
> > "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" was a fraud
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > The fraud was proven by identifying the sources used by the plagiarist
> > in 1921, but there are *still* those who believe it because it
> > justifies their racial hatred.
> >
> > Of course, like the 'Protocols', the 9/11 conspiracy hoax will be
> > embraced by those whose will to believe something that justifies their
> > irrational prejuduces exceeds their will to understand the implications
> > of rational data.
> >
> > As can be expected, there is a lot of overlap between the hateful
> > racists of the antisemitic groups and the delusional paranoids involved
> > in the 9/11 conspiracy theories.
> >
> > Tom Davidson
> > Richmond, VA
> There were many people who reported
> numerous explosions in the WTC buildings.
> When the firefighters arrived all the ground
> floor windows had been blown out.
> There were explosions in the sub-basement floors
> as reported by severely-injured caretakers who
> came up from there and by
> firefighters on the scene.
> Seismic records substantiate these claims.
> Isn't 'delusional paranoia' a little less
> substantive than that?
> Maybe you should actually *look*
> at the data- I know as a physicist you've kinda
> gotten away from that mindset.

One should not confuse clergymen with physicists. Anyone who observes a
building freefall into itself and deny a controlled demolition can
never be called a physicist.

> John


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