> Hi,
> I am a bit disapointed with the current Python online documentation. I
> have read many messages of people complaining about the documentation,
> it's lack of examples and the use of complicated sentences that you
> need to read 10 times before understanding what it means.
> That's why I have started a collaborative project to make a user
> contributed Python documentation. The wiki is online here:
> http://www.pythondocs.info
> This is a fresh new website, so there's not much on it, but I hope to
> make it grow quickly. Help and contributions are welcome; Please
> register and start posting your own documentation on it.
> Regards,
> Nicolas.
> -----
> http://www.pythondocs.info

You're realy nor the first one, see
(and following thread)

Other (never achieved) projects... http://www.pythondocs.org/

Even Skip Montanaro python-glossary site seem to not have been continued...


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