I'm attempting to write a faily simple threaded app that fires off a
thread to select() on a FIFO while the main loop handles data read from
that pipe and a few other tasks.  For some reason, calls to
time.sleep() seem to block until the first time data is dumped into the
pipe.  Clearly, I could work around this quite easily by "priming the
pipe" as it were with a bit of garbage data.  However, I'd rather
understand the problem.

Here's a code snippet:

ipList = []

def readPipe(pipeName):
    p = file(pipeName, 'r')
    while True:
        x = select.select([p.fileno()], [], [])
        dataLine = p.readline()

def main():
    if not os.path.exists('bob'):
        print "FIFO created."
    print "Starting thread."
    thread.start_new_thread(readPipe, ('bob',))
    print "Thread started."
    while True:
        print time.time()

On Linux and OS X, this behaves as expected.  Running the code
immediately produces output like this:

tarja:~ ben$ ./mycapd
Starting thread.
Thread started.
1158608481.67 []
1158608482.67 []
1158608483.67 []

But on OpenBSD I get this:

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ] $ ./mycapd
Starting thread.
Thread started.
1158608528.5 []

And there it hangs until I dump some data into the fifo.  Then it runs
as expected, dumping out a timestamp every second.

So the question is this:  Am I doing something wrong or is there a
problem on OpenBSD?



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