GinTon wrote:
> EyeDB is a free ODBMS based on the ODMG 3 specification with
> programming interfaces for C++ and Java. It is very powerfull, mature,
> safe and stable. In fact, it was developed in 1992 for the Genome View
> project althought rewritten in 1994, and has been used in a lot of
> bioinformatics projects

I've added this very interesting database to the selection case:

> Python does not have any programming interface to ODBMS and I believe
> that it would be very interesting that the Python community could
> access to a great object database like this one.
> If somebody is interested could to using SIP as Python wrapper. PyQT4
> bindings were made with SIP
> These are the conclusions of several Python wrappers that shows that
> SIP generates the fastest wrappers:
> *  Manual wrapping is still fastest and most versatile
> *  SIP, Boost and Babel generate native extension modules with low
> overhead
> *  SWIG-generated modules rely on pure Python wrapper module and
> introduce a large overhead
> *  Wrapper tool highlights:
>      - SIP generates the fastest wrappers
>      - SWIG is mature and well documented
>      - Boost.Python most elegant integration of C++ and Python
>      - Babel supports languages as both target and source

I will take this information in account when selecting a binding:

Possibly more important that speed is the simplicity, e.g. how simple
is it to produce the wrapper and how simple is it to update the

> If you want to know more about ODBMS here you have some interesting
> links:


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