"John Machin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 1. You need to set your path manually. A BAT file called pypath.bat
> placed somewhere on your PATH and containing:
>     path c:\python%1;c:\python%1\scripts;%path%
> might come in handy. Warning: this is best used once each time you open
> up a command window; it's cumulative (Windows is not smart enough to
> remove duplicate entries) and there is a an upper limit (I believe) on
> the size of the PATH.

Windows is only smart enough to avoid duplicate entries if you tell it 
to do that. e.g.

PATH c:\python25;c:\python25\scripts;%PATH:c:\python25;c:\python25\scripts;=%

will add the two Python 2.5 folders to the head of the path without 
duplicating them.

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