manstey wrote:
> If I have a string, how can I give that string name to a python object,
> such as a tuple.
> e.g.
> a = 'hello'
> b=(1234)
> and then a function
> name(b) = a
> which would mean:
> hello=(1234)
> is this possible?

Direct answer:
Look up the setattr() functions (DO look it up!). Replace your
name(b) = a line with
setattr(__builtins__, a, b).
There you go.

Hopefully more helpful answer:
One alternative would be using a dictionary. Your example would then 
translate to:

a = 'hello'
b = (1234,) # notice the comma!
             # without it, it wouldn't be a tuple but a simple
             # parenthesized integer
d = {} # your dictionary

d[a] = b  # assign the value of b to a key given by a

 >>> (1234,)

 >>> (1234,)

In most cases this will be a LOT less cumbersome compared to messing 
with module attributes.

hope that helps a bit

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