> Hi,
> I have a program which will continue to run for several days. When it is
> running, I can't do anything except waiting because it takes over most
> of the CUP time.
> Is it possible that the program can save all running data to a file when
> I want it to stop, and can reload the data and continue to run from
> where it stops when the computer is free ?
> Regards,
> xiaojf

Can't you just use time.sleep to put your program to, uh, sleep?  For
example, time.sleep(10) will effectively pause your program for ten
seconds, making it use very few CPU cycles.  I don't know what
interface you have, but assuming you can pick up a button or a key
press, you can ask for a length of time, or just put your code into a
holding pattern:

def pause():
  paused = True
  while paused:
    if wake_up_key_pressed:
      paused = False

or with a gui:

paused = False

def pause():
  global paused
  paused = True
  while paused:

def onWakeUpButton():  #bind this to button
  global paused
  paused = False



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