> I need to write a software that allow to see the desktop

That would be the VNC protocol. Don't reinvent the wheel.

VNC is relatively efficient in that it only updates the portions of the
screen that changed.

Maybe this project could be your starting point.

> and hear the
> microphone capture of a remote PC across a network.
> I need to do that
> for a unviresity assignement. The software must  run on Windows. Since
> I like Python very much I am thinking to write that software in
> Python. Do you thinkit is a good choice? Are there libraries for audio
> compression (OGG or MP3 or maybe GSM or something like realaudio)

PyMedia can record and it works for mp3 and oggs.

> and video compression (btw what can be some good libraries to transmit
> images of a desktop in a bandwidth-efficent way?).

See above. You can lossy compress images in VNC.

> (Probably i will need some Win32 system call,
> there are bindings in Python, aren't they?)

The above modules should take care of everything. BTW, PIL can take
screen shots if you want to do this manually.

You need to create a streaming server for audio. Take a look at Edna, a
streaming MP3 server. http://edna.sourceforge.net/

Also of interest ... Twisted and Shtoom.

And finally... since you are on Windows - you can just try using the
NetMeeting ActiveX control through Python. It already does everything
you want.

Disclaimer: While I tinkered with many of the above, I have not used
most of the above projects recently. These are just leads for you to


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