Steve Holden wrote:
> Michele Simionato wrote:
> > (I don't believe I am responding to a notorious troll ...)
> >
> Believe it. You are. Ain't life a bitch? :-)
> > One (bad) solution is to write in your the following:
> >
> > $ echo /usr/lib/python/
> > import __builtin__
> >
> > class Object(object):
> >     def debug(self):
> >         print 'some debug info'
> >
> > __builtin__.object = Object
> >
> > then you can do for instance
> >
> >
> >>>>class C(object): pass
> >>>>C().debug()
> >
> > some debug info
> >
> > All class inheriting from object will have the additional debug method.
> But sadly not the built-in types like int and str, which is what our
> trollish friend wants to do (for some reason best known to himself).

Followup thread:

[Watching this topic]   CONSTRUCT - New/Old Style Classes,
build-in/extension types


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