After a walk outside, some fresh air around my nose and some time to
relax, I finally found out how to do, what I want to do.

First, define the argument types and the result type.
    _dll.MagickGetException.argtypes = (c_long, POINTER(c_long))
    _dll.MagickGetException.restype  = c_char_p

Second, write correct code as it is documented. :)

def get_magick_exception(wand):
    severity = c_long()
    description = _dll.MagickGetException(wand, byref(severity))
    return (severity, description)

And thats all. I just did the call to POINTER(c_long) in the wrong
location. Now I do it as documented, and I get everything I want.

I can btw live perfectly without definining what actually a MagickWand
is, cause from the point of the developer just using the library and
documentation, he doesn't know about the actual structure of it. The
definition is hidden the C source of the library, and is not
documented in the public interface.

Thanks and Regards,

Oliver Andrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ---

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