Jon Ribbens wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Fredrik Lundh wrote:
>>> It's up to me to decide whether or not an argument is good enough to
>>> convince me, thank you very much.
>> not if you expect anyone to take anything you say seriously.
> Now you're just being ridiculous. In this thread you have been rude,
> evasive, insulting, vague, hypocritical, and have failed to answer
> substantive points in favour of sarcastic and erroneous sniping - I'd
> suggest it's you that needs to worry about being taken seriously.

Actually, at least in the context of this mailing list, Fredrik doesn't 
have to worry about that at all. Why? Because he is one of the most 
prolific contributers to the Python language and libraries and his 
contributions have been of consistent high quality.

You, on the other hand, are "just some guy" and people don't have a lot 
of incentive to convince you of anything.

I have no opinion on the actual debate though. Just trying to help with 
the social analysis :-)


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