> > /usr/bin/python
> not found
> /usr/lib/python2.4/idlelib/idle.py
> /usr/sfw/python2.3/idlelib/idle.py gives
> 'there is no action associated with "idle.py"'
> configure gnome to associate application?
> click yes:
> edit file type window pops up.
> program to run menu is empty.
> browse is available. any ideas on what i need to choose?

You'll need to associate all the python programs (*.py files) with the
python interpreter. To my knowledge, all official Solaris releases
provide Python 2.3 as /usr/sfw/bin/python. Solaris Express ( stable
development snapshots, usually released every two weeks or so) provide
Python 2.4 as /usr/bin/python.

I would try to use the python executable located in /usr/bin if it is
exists, otherwise use the python executable in /usr/sfw/bin.



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