> I dont mean google
> i dont mean onelook.com
> these are only examples
> i hop eyou understand what i mean

Apparently, *you* don't understand what they're trying to tell you. It
roughly boils down to the following:

- All (except perhaps the most trivial small) sites disallow in their
Terms of Service the unregulated harvesting of their content by
webbots, both for legal and technical reasons. It's not just Google or
Onelook that does this.
- Yes, it is technically possible to attempt to violate their ToS,
running their risk to be caught (with whatever consequences this
- Yes, you *might* be able to get away with it (at least for some time)
running in stealth mode.
- No, people here are not willing to help you go down this road, you're
on your own. 

Hope this helps,


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