Lawrence D'Oliveiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Duncan Booth wrote:
>> Deary me. Did you actually test out that bit of code before you
>> posted it? 
>>>> execfile("")
>>>> EscapeSQLWild(r"\%")
> '\\\\%'
>>>> SQLString("%" + EscapeSQLWild(r"\%") + "%")
> '"%\\\\\\\\%%"'
>>>> EscapeSQLWild(r"\%") == r"\\%"
> True
>>>> SQLString("%" + EscapeSQLWild(r"\%") + "%") == r'"%\\\\%%"'
> True
Ah, so that's a 'no' then. I can't see any tests there. How do you know 
that those strings work correctly MySQL queries?

Please, open your mind to what I'm saying. I'm not trying to criticise your 
aims, just trying to point out the simple fact that your EscapeSQLWild 
function has a bug. If nothing else, the fact that you are finding this so 
hard to understand shows that there is a need for a correctly written 
function to do this.

The fix to EscapeSQLWild to get test_escapebackslashwild2 to work is a 
trivial change, and not suprisingly also makes the other failing test in my 
script (the one using parameterised queries and EscapeSQLWild) pass.

Again, please, try running the script I posted, and in particular 
test_escapebackslashwild2. It uses the SQL query you yourself created, and 
it fails because it matches something it shouldn't.

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