On 28 Sep 2006, at 8:05 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> From: Bruno Desthuilliers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Questions on Using Python to Teach Data Structures and
>       Algorithms
> To: python-list@python.org
> Brendon Towle wrote:
>> Some of your Lisp translations are subtly off...
> Seems correct to me. Lisp lists are linked lists, not arrays.
>>> Date: 28 Sep 2006 02:49:50 -0700
>>> From: "sturlamolden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> Subject: Re: Questions on Using Python to Teach Data Structures and
>>>     Algorithms
>>> To: python-list@python.org
>>> If you want to make a chained structure, then perhaps you know LISP?
>>> This is what the basic machinery of LISP looks like in Python:
>>> def cons(a,b)
>>>    return [a,b]
>> should be:
>>     return [a].extend(b)
> A Lisp cons is made of a reference to it's content and a reference to
> the rest of the list, so cons = lambda a, b : [a, b] seems the most
> straightforward translation.

Yes, a lisp cons is a pair of references as you describe. However,  
the following lisp call:

? (cons <item> <list>)

returns a single level list, with <item> as its new first item, and  
the original contents of <list> as the remainder of the list. The  
OP's code doesn't do that; it returns a list of two items, with  
<list> as the second item.

To put it another way, the following code is always true in Lisp:

? (= (length (cons <item> <list>)) (1+ (length <list>)))

But the OP's code only allows that to be true when <list> is of  
length 1.

I suppose, of course, that you could claim that the following Lisp list:

   (1 2 3 4)

should translate into the following Python list:

   [1, [2, [3, [4]]]]

But, I think that's a bit silly.

>>> def car(structure)
>>>    return structure[0]
>>> def cdr(structure)
>>>    return structure[1]
>> should be:
>>     return structure[1:]
> idem.

I should have pointed out, of course, that the original definition of  
CDR was correct given the original (incorrect) definition of cons.


Brendon Towle, PhD
Cognitive Scientist
Carnegie Learning, Inc.
The Cognitive Tutor Company ®
Helping over 375,000 students in 1000 school districts succeed in math.


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