On Tue, 01 Feb 2005 00:14:30 +0100, "Martin v. Löwis"
>> are there any guidelines about what to do if a Windows extension for
>> Python 2.4  requires the C++ runtime (msvcp71.dll)? 
>No; it should "just work fine". [...]

I fully agree with that. :) And that was actually the reason why I
posted here, because in my case it did not just work fine...

>> It doesn't
>> sound like a good idea to me if every package places another copy of
>> this dll somewhere in the Python directory.
>Why not? If your installer follows Windows logo compliance rules, it
>should check whether the DLL is already present; if it is, it should
>check whether the version installed is newer than the one it would
>install, and if so, should skip installation.

I'm creating the installer via the distutils by calling "setup.py
bdist_wininst". How can I configure distutils to have it create an
installer that does the above things?

How should an installer check if a DLL is already present? Are DLLs
registered with Windows so I can query a database? Or should the
installer search for the DLL in the directories specified in the PATH
variable and see if the DLL is there?
And what's the preferred location for such a DLL? Should it be placed
in a local directory that only belongs to the package or in a
directory where other C++ extension packages might also be able to use
it? But where would this be then? The Windows system directory seems
to be discouraged by Microsoft:

"An application should use and redistribute msvcr71.dll, and it should
avoid placing a copy or using an existing copy of msvcr71.dll in the
system directory. Instead, the application should keep a copy of
msvcr71.dll in its application directory with the program executable."
I suppose the same applies for msvcp71.dll.

>> Python 2.4 does install the C runtime (msvcr71.dll) in the Windows
>> system32 directory, doesn't it?
>It depends. If this is an allusers installation, it does so. For a
>per-user installation, the user might not have sufficient privileges
>to install into system32, so the installer won't install it there.

Ah, ok. And yes, I did a "all users" installation.

>> (btw, shouldn't this be installed in
>> the Python directory instead?)
>No. If you install the DLL into the Python directory, Python
>will not work anymore because python24.dll (installed into system32)
>will not find this DLL. If you then also move python24.dll into
>the Python directory, COM components that require python24.dll will
>fail to run.

ok, I see.

>> So would it be possible that future
>> Python releases would also install the C++ runtime? 
>Why should it? Nothing in the Python distribution requires C++.

Well, yes, I know. But I don't see Python as a standalone application.
One of the great things about Python is that there are so many
extension modules for every kinds of purposes. So, making available
the C++ runtime would just pave the way for more of those extension
modules by making it easier to distribute binary packages that are
implemented in C++.

>> I think it's
>> better if the dll would only be installed once by Python instead of
>> several times by every extension that uses C++.
>Why is that better? The DLL versioning rules, and the shared DLL
>refcounting mechanisms will make sure that the installation works
>just fine.

I was referring to the possibility that the DLL might get installed
several times at several different locations which would be a waste of
disk space. If there's only one file, then I agree with the above
(however, what happens if I uninstall one package and this package
removes the DLL even when there are other packages installed that
still require the DLL?).

>> Currently, I do not package the C++ runtime and leave it up to the
>> user to install the dll if it isn't already somewhere on his system.
>> But this really is not a satisfying solution...
>Then you should probably include the DLL, or rewrite your extension
>to not use C++.

I'm afraid the latter will hardly ever be an option... ;)

For one smaller package I was compiling I solved the problem by
linking against the static versions of the C/C++ runtime. This will
also satisfy the "It-Should-Just-Work" constraint... :)  (however,
there still could be situations where this is not possible (the
sources might not be available, for example)).

- Matthias -


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