> Can Windev interface with .net? >>>> YES
> Can Windev interface with Java? >>>> YES
> Can Windev interface natively with nearly every relational database on the
> planet? >>>>>>>> YES
> Does Windev interface with JMS, Java RMI, SAP RFC, mqseries and other
> middleware?>>>>>> YES
> Can you easily access any C/C++ library from Windev? >>>> YES
> Is Windev code as readable as Python for non-computer scientists?>>> I don't 
> know Python but Wlangage is as readable as free text

I am always amazed when I meet fanatics!!
Links abour Windev for those who like facts :

Be cool !!!

Wolfgang Keller wrote:
> >   - python work on multiple platform (linux, mac, windows)
> >     A good point but it didn't interest him. Because
> >     we want to choose a language for prototyping.
> >     So multi platform is not enough.
> With Python the prototype _is_ the application. You just need to add a little
> bit of polishing (exception handling etc.) where required, maybe implement a
> speed-critical module in Pyrex, that's it.
> And for running a production application, cross-platform-ness _is_ important.
> Or what would you do when your customer wants to run his application not just
> on Windows, but on an embedded OS like VxWorks, QNX, or a _real_ server OS
> such as any proprietary Unix (including MacOS X), Linux, *BSD, OS/400 (or
> whatever it is called now), MVS...
> Can Windev interface with .net? For Python, there's Python.net (not
> Ironpython, that's a different thing).
> Can Windev interface with Java? For Python, there's JPype (not Jython, that's
> a different thing as well).
> Does Windev interface with JMS, Java RMI, SAP RFC, mqseries and other
> middleware?
> Can you build COM clients and servers in Windev? Can you build Corba clients
> and servers in Windev?
> Can Windev interface natively with nearly every relational database on the
> planet?
> Can you easily access any C/C++ library from Windev?
> Is Windev code as readable as Python for non-computer scientists?
> ...
> >   - windev as a good IDE, python? boa-constructor is ok with wxpython
> Python for Windows comes with an IDE (PythonWin) iirc. Otherwise there are
> plenty of development tools for database applications in Python (not all
> mentioned below are free):
> Access/Filemaker-like:
> - Rekall (Qt)
> - Knoda (Qt)
> - Kexi (Qt)
> - Gemello (GTK)
> - Glom (GTK)
> ...
> GUI-Builders:
> - Qt Designer
> - Glade (GTK)
> - Gazpacho (GTK) & Kiwi (application framework)
> - wxGlade (wxwidgets)
> - DialogBlocks (wxWidgets)
> - VisualWx (wxWidgets)
> - wxDesigner (wxWidgets)
> ...
> IDEs:
> - WingIDE
> - Eric3
> - SPE
> - Komodo
> - PyDev (for Eclipse)
> - Trustudio (for Eclipse)
> - Pythoncard (incl. GUI-Builder)
> - Boa Constructor (incl. GUI-Builder)
> ...
> Others:
> - GNUe (wxWidgets) (complete framework for enterprise database applications,
> including application server etc.)
> - TinyERP (GTK) (complete ERP implemented in Python, but if you strip out all
> the ERP-specific modules, you get a powerful framework inlcuding a workflow
> engine)
> - Dabo (wxWidgets) (framework & GUI Builder)
> ...
> >   - python is open source (that's not an argument for my boss, sorry
> > it's        a boss ...)
> The point is that with Python you _can_ have commercial support if you
> want/need to. With Windev, as with any other proprietary software, you
> _depend_ on the original developer to continue to exist, fix bugs, implement
> required functionality...
> How anyone can bet the existence of a company on proprietary software in a
> time where even multi-billion dollar companys get taken over just to
> "consolidate competition" is beyond my scope of comprehension.
> Sincerely,
> Wolfgang Keller
> -- 
> My email-address is correct.
> Do NOT remove ".nospam" to reply.


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