How about a tool that can compute the intersection/union/disjunction of boolean expressions, and return the result as a boolean expression? This is something I've had on my plate for awhile, but haven't been able to get around to doing.
As a simple example, assume we have the following expressions: e1 = (y) e2 = ((not x) and (not y)) or ((not x) and (y) and (z)) The union of these two would be ((not x) or (y)). The simplest representation of the result would be best. To make it harder consider the following additional requirements: 1) Instead of just boolean variables, allow variables with more than two discrete values (i.e., True and False). For example, if a variable x can represent the values 1, 2, and 3, then an expression could test for x!=3, or x>1, or even x in [1,3]. 2) Use Python's native data structures to represent expressions. Using the example above, we might have something like this: e1 = [{'y':True}] e2 = [{'x':False, 'y':False}, {'x':False, 'y':True, 'z':True}] How you might extend this to non-boolean expressions would be up to you. 3) Make it fast, and scalable to many variables (up to at least 50). I haven't studied this extensively, but I believe a Quine-McKlusky method is order n^2 with n being the number of variables, so this will quickly blow up as the number of variables increases. 4) As my example in (2) suggested, make variable names strings. This allows arbitrary names. For non-boolean discrete variables, allow any arbitrary list of numbers or strings as elements. 5) Since a side-effect of the program will (probably) be the ability to reduce expressions to their simplest representation, make this capability a part of the public API, since that's a useful function in itself. --