Thanks Dave for this tip, this is excellent, exactly what I have been
looking for!
I'm using it already :-)

Kind Regards,

> On Oct 1, 2006, at 6:28 PM, Peter Mexbacher wrote:
>> Hello,
>> we want to teach absolute programming newbies
>> a first language, so they can start programming
>> simple scientific models.
>> We thought Python would make a good choice for
>> a first language; but where pretty stumped when
>> we found out that there is no simple way to draw
>> pixels to a screen. (This is needed for fractals,
>> agent-based models etc -> like Conways Game of Life)
>> Our requirements:
>> -) easy to learn (newbs!)
>> -) not too slow (after all, the models should simulate something)
>> -) python :-)
>> Any ideas?
>> Best Regards,
>> Peter
> You might check out John Zelle's Python book - he uses a simple
> graphics library on top of Tk (which Python comes with). You can find
> information on his book and the file he uses at:
> It certainly meets your easy to learn and Python requirements - and of
> course speed is subjective so it may or may not be fast enough for you.
> Dave


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