Giovanni Bajo wrote:

> I just read this mail by Brett Cannon:
> where the "PSF infrastracture committee", after weeks of evaluation, 
> recommends
> using a non open source tracker (called JIRA - never heard before of course)
> for Python itself.
> Does this smell "Bitkeeper fiasco" to anyone else than me?

not necessarily (and good support for data export is high on the 
requirements list), but for those of us who's been following the 
committee's work, there has indeed been a disturbing amount of
"free as in - oh shiny!" from the very beginning.

however, note that the committee do realize that using a Python-
powered tool for Python is a good thing in itself; they are asking
for volunteers that can keep a roundup instance running, and fix
any issues that arises. has plenty of hardware, but not 
enough manpower to do everything that could be done.  see brett's
post for details.



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