Colin J. Williams wrote:

> Josh Bloom wrote:
>>Hey Pierre,
>>I'm using this plug-in for wordpress to display Python code. 
>>It works pretty well and can display a lot of other languages as well.
>>On 10/3/06, *Pierre Imbaud* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> 
>>    Hi, Im looking for a way to display some python code
>>    in html: with correct indentation, possibly syntax hiliting, dealing
>>    correctly with multi-line comment, and... generating valid html code if
>>    the python code itself deals with html (hence manipulates tag
>>    litterals.
>>    Thanks for your help!
>>    --
> Another approach is to use PyScripter (an editor and IDE). One can 
> generate documentation and then save the generated html doc.
> Also PyDoc can be used directly.
pydoc doesnt html the code, but its documentation. U seem to say 
PyScripter does the same?
I rather thought of some module built on python parser, generating html 
or xml, ideally customizable.
Thanks for your help!
> Colin W.


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