Nick Craig-Wood wrote:

Since I'm a unix person, I would have typed

  pydoc -k sort

But it doesn't come up with anything useful :-(

FYI, you can get this info using the not-very-intuitive

  pydoc __builtin__.list.sort


(C:\Python23\Lib) $ pydoc __builtin__.list.sort
Help on method_descriptor in __builtin__.list:

__builtin__.list.sort = sort(...)
L.sort(cmpfunc=None) -- stable sort *IN PLACE*; cmpfunc(x, y) -> -1, 0, 1

(Rather terse...)

Info on the sort function (together with all the other list methods) is also available if you do

  pydoc list

...but for some reason, "pydoc list.sort" doesn't work on my machine (Python 2.3.4, Windows XP).

Hans Nowak


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