On 5 Oct 2006 07:01:50 -0700, SpreadTooThin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [snip]
>Jean-Paul many thanks for this and your effort.
>but why is it every time I try to do something with 'stock' python I
>need another package?

Maybe you are trying to do things that are too complex :)

>By the time I've finished my project there are like 5 3rd party add-ons
>to be installed.

I don't generally find this to be problematic.

>I know I'm a python newbie... but I'm far from a developer newbie and
>that can be a recipe for

Not every library can be part of the standard library, neither can the
standard library satisfy every possible use-case.  Relying on 3rd party
modules isn't a bad thing.

>The stock socket should work and I think I've missed an
>obvious bug in the code other
>than checking the return status.

Well, I did mention one bug other than failure to check return values.
Maybe you missed it, since it was in the middle.  Go back and re-read
my response.


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